Wikimedia Commons/Edward Kimmel
Wikimedia Commons/Edward Kimmel
A new pilot program aimed at reducing crime in Bernalillo County will allow for a prosecutor from the district attorney's office to work alongside police in the southeast area command.
“Our hope is for a proactive partnership among the prosecutor's office, law enforcement, the community and public and private organizations. We recognize the community's role in public safety and these community prosecutors will invite community stakeholders to express their safety concerns, identify neighborhood problems, brainstorm appropriate responses and help the prosecutor's office establish priorities," District Attorney Raul Torrez told KOB 4.
Tony Johnson, a community advocate, believes the city needs to do more to fight crime by adding more police officers to the patrol area.
"It seems like the city doesn't care about this community,” Johnson told KOB 4. “This is just the area where they're pushing everything and they could care less. That's why everything's just elevating."
Johnson said police can show they care about the community by walking the neighborhood and talking to residents about what's happening.